Debt can accumulate quickly, and before you know it, you are beyond any ability to manage it. Debt impacts your credit history as much as it does your quality of life. Creditors and third-party collection agencies can cause serious stress. Fortunately, even when you think a solution does not exist to your debt problem, there very well may be one. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the quickest, easiest, and most affordable way to discharge debts and get a clean slate.
At Villamor Law, we will review your overall finances, debt, and life circumstances to help you determine if filing for bankruptcy is right for you. Then, we will guide you through the process so you never have to worry about deadlines or paperwork. Contact our bankruptcy attorney today at (888) 538-2111 to schedule a consultation.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy that can benefit individuals, partnerships, or corporations. If you or your business have qualifying assets, they are liquidated to pay off debt. The court appoints a Trustee to review your assets and determine if any are worth liquidating. Each state allows for a certain amount of assets to be exempted, which means those assets are shielded from liquidation. You should consult with a bankruptcy attorney in New York and New Jersey to make sure you know what applies in your case.
Even though Chapter 7 bankruptcies are a means to liquidate assets and pay off debts, these types of bankruptcies are often referred to as “no assets.” Most people who apply for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 do not have assets that would qualify for liquidation. Nonetheless, debts are still discharged, so you get a fresh start.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is very common––much more common than people know. That said, there are a few caveats to keep in mind. First, not all debts are eligible for bankruptcy. Second, not all individuals, partnerships, or corporations will qualify. These caveats are reasons why you should consult with a bankruptcy lawyer to make sure Chapter 7 is right for you.
Qualifying for Chapter 7 bankruptcy typically means being able to pass what is known as the Means Test. The Means Test determines whether you can pay off your debts. To pass the Means Test, your income must not exceed the income limits set by your state.
State income limits vary because the cost of living differs from state to state. Your state's income limit depends on the number of earners and people in the household.
For example, in Alabama, the income limit for
In California, however, the income limits are set much higher. California's income limit for
The income numbers for the Means Test are updated every six months.
Any person or company can file bankruptcy under Chapter 7 if they
Even though you can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it does not mean you should. You should consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy if
There are a few documents you need when you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Here's a list of some of the most common and necessary documents you will need.
After you file for bankruptcy, three important and immediate things happen:
Once Chapter 7 bankruptcy is granted, you will see your credit score affected by it. Chapter 7 bankruptcy stays on your credit report for ten years. As you rebuild your credit, bankruptcy will begin to lose its negative effect on your credit score.
At Villamor Law, we know how debt can impact an individual, a family, or a business. If you have difficulty paying bills because of the debt you or your company have accumulated, speak to a bankruptcy attorney today by filling out our online form or calling us at (888) 538-2111. We will schedule a consultation so that you get the answers you need to all your financial questions.
Ready to navigate your legal journey with confidence? Schedule a free consultation with Villamor Law. Our experienced team is here to guide you through your legal needs. Simply fill out the form below, and let's start building a successful case together.